Tasked with creating a very short film: six shots, six seconds each, themed with a haiku...
Rather than cleverly finding or writing a haiku, I began with random old iPhone footage hoping to cobble together something clever and abstract... I'm SO VERY CLEVER that all of my super-cool footage was shot vertically.
Not being one to worry too much about quality, I tried to crop/zoom my portrait-oriented footage in Premiere only to realize that doing so was not only out of my skill level, but was beneath even my very low standards.
I desperately wanted to avoid clichés (shots of anything in, near, or around, SCCA -- those overused stairwells! the panning view from the balcony!) alas, time required that I take some shots of the 5th Floor.
Due to a lack of talent (ahem, I mean ACTORS) and budget, I opted for a hand-held first-person aesthetic. I shot random footage in and around SCCA (because really, who goes anywhere else?) before developing a tiny narrative.
These shots were Franken-edited in Premiere, including an awkward bathroom shot (apparently the totally-rad stairwell footage I shot was filmed while the camera was in the 'OFF' position. GO FIG).
Why are we going in the bathroom? What happens in there?
I had to YouTube the SAME educational video I used for Neil's class to sort out my audio fade-out, although I did learn SOMEthing from last quarter: I knew the proper terminology to type into Google this time --Constant Gain-- please enjoy this video of Country-Cousin Jason Hoppe:
Then, in my uncompromising quest to sate my pure artistic vision, I spent no fewer than three hours figuring out how to use the rounded iris transition properly (proper placement & reversing)--it was really a matter of finding the proper effects panel, turning it on and ticking a box. Another three hours well spent.
Without further ado (and with sincerest apologies to Melody Hirsch and Hüsker Dü), I give you my 6x6 // 575
BRB, off to kern a pygmy hippo.