A series of 30+ Dungeons & Dragons branded novels provided an extraordinary challenge to establish a line look for titles of different lengths, not to mention integrating custom artwork to capture the heart of each novel.
With co-art director Shauna Narciso, Carina Tous and I created a flexible and dynamic line look that could be applied to each title and made to interact with the artwork. The series is grouped by trilogy and quartet with color coding and a consistent frame for exquisite artwork.
For The Icewind Dale Trilogy, I art directed the inimitable Anna Podeworna from concept to completion.
Creative Lead: Kara Kenna
Art Direction: AJ Hanneld
Graphic Design: Carina Tous
Artwork: Anna Podedworna
From concept to execution including research and process. Shows a suite of design applications, from poster, to packaging, to animation.
HoloLens Optics