That awkward moment when we both apply for an internship that we're not qualified and don't meet the basic eligibility requirements for...
We've been keeping an eye on the work happening at AutoDesk and have pulled down their 3D Software, Maya, (awesome FREE Educational software!) after noting that it's been used by greats like Encylopedia Pictura and Bjork (that last link is an amazing video, if you only watch one thing on the internet today, let it be the whole of that).
We scraped together CVs, cover letters, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and informal portfolios. Being neither CS majors, 4-year-degree earners, or only mid-way through school, it's unlikely they'll contact us but here's to hoping!
In the world of software exploration, we're also looking at Unreal over Unity. They offer insane in-world development where you can design in VR and switch from creator mode to player mode with one click – 100% realtime live updates. Watch this video, starting at the 1:00:00 mark.
Our meeting with Visual Vocal has been rescheduled indefinitely due to cataclysmic lightning snow storm and the traffic that ensued after a tanker truck flipped on I-5
Happily, we'll be meeting with Stephanie Hawn at HBO VR next Thursday.
How cool does this look?