We spent a lot of time reading and researching. VR is a squishy space where a lot hasn't been figured out yet – the practical applications, the software and hardware and how they interact with preexisting design resources. Can you model something with Google Tilt and then use the 3D Printer to see it in real life?
Can two people be in the same VR world at the same time and interact with each other?
Can something created in Cinema 4D live in the VR world and be rendered as a video that can be shared?
Can you take a 360 video, map it to a sphere and populate it as a world with 3D-rendered objects?
Beats the fuck outta me, but I'll let you know in a couple weeks.
So far the reading list is:
Neuromancer – William Gibson
Ready Player One – Ernest Cline (we're already calling the VR world "The Oasis" and have a Joust Lich as our desktop wallpaper. NERD ALERT.)
We're suggesting reading or watching YouTube videos about Ivan Sutherland, Bob Sproull, & Jaron Lanier.
We're also researching the physiological functionality / effects that VR has on the human body to share back.
Stay tuned...